| 1. | Cats don't fetch sticks or romp in the surf.
| 2. | Rudolph Giuliani is going to romp in next month's election.
| 3. | Collin's first adventure outdoors was a romp in his yard.
| 4. | `Roller Coaster'is much more than a romp in playful circles
| 5. | Children romp in well-kept parks and playgrounds.
| 6. | On weekends, his children sometimes come over to romp in his office.
| 7. | That nothing cures a winter chill better than a romp in the sand?
| 8. | A seven-goal romp in Budapest almost certainly will put Yugoslavia there.
| 9. | The Republican romp in Tuesday's election was a repudiation of President Clinton.
| 10. | This is no lighthearted romp in the meadow.